Friday, December 19, 2008

Business Insurance

Posted by Suhesn Rimas

Insurance, in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for a premium, and can be thought of as a guaranteed small loss to prevent a large, possibly devastating loss. An insurer is a company selling the insurance. The insurance rate is a factor used to determine the amount, called the premium, to be charged for a certain amount of insurance coverage. Risk management, the practice of appraising and controlling risk, has evolved as a discrete field of study and practice.

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Amelia said...

Nice post. Insurance is one of the major part in every business as it plays a vital role without which a business can't successfully operated. Whether its a small, home based business or a big enterprise each one has to take certain actions to manage the risks.
compare commercial insurances

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